Senor and I vowed that after we got married, we would do a lot more entertaining. We wished to create a stimulating atmosphere in which different sets of friends could meet and get to know each other. The wedding festivities started the ball rolling in this direction. It is now our job to keep that ball rolling by setting up little dinner parties. Last Friday night, We threw a dinner party for for six (including Senor and I). Six to Eight people are the best if you want everyone to feel included. As I learned from my new Mother-in-Law, a relaxed hostess puts everyone at ease. It took me a long time to realize that guests usually do not require elaborate hors d' oeuvres and exotic dishes with 20 ingredients no one can pronounce. I always prepare as much as I can in advance and choose dishes that need the least amount of tending, so that I can tend to my guests. Grilled meats, roasted vegetables, and stews are always Autumn crowd pleasers. I always plan to serve dinner about 45 minutes after guests have been received. I set out a crudite, cracker, and dip platter and fill the ice bucket right before guests arrive. You can easily add cheese,olives,and nuts to this as well. Always make drinks for your guests as they show up, so that everyone feels individually pampered. You can relax and have cocktails with your friends while the dinner is cooking itself. Always put out your serving ware and set your table in advance so that guests do not feel obligated to help. Once your beautiful dinner is served, you can enjoy the stimulating conversation and delicious morsels without feeling exhausted. Just remember, Keep it simple and it will be sublime!
The serving platters are ready to go.
Senor Amor and the crudite platter awaits the arrival of our guests.
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