Senor, Lora Hall, and I spent the day carrying out phase two of our landscaping plan for our client, Tomas Costanza. We picked out our flagstone and rock with the help of the great crew at La Canada Rustic Stone in Pasadena. We wanted to use the warm tones of gold and red to compliment the stone in the backyard and also to create an intimate and comfortable setting curbside. Our client wanted a "park-like" atmosphere that could also act as a pass through and a place to watch basketball. The space was very barren except for an orange tree. The tree seemed very alone in this sizable patch of neglected ground. Our client,Tomas, found these beautiful benches at Lowe's for only $77 on sale. I designed the pint-sized park around the bench and all of the elements seam to flow around it. Lora thought a loose and more natural setting would be more intriguing than lining everything up just so. We all had fun breaking the slabs up into smaller pieces which Lora and I placed into a puzzle of steps which needed to be leveled and grouted with beautiful reddish-brown bark. The rocks, plants and ground cover were placed to seam random, but pleasing to the eye. The formerly lonely orange tree is now a relaxing respite for all to enjoy.
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