Stan Williams featured our former house in his terrific book, "The Find". The book was so successful that it has gone into a second printing. In it, he referred to the segregated displays of our personal collections as a "his and hers" style of decorating. This could also be "his and his" or "hers and hers". When a couple begins to merge their styles, some things need to stand out that suggests each others individuality. Collections of personally collected objects can define a space and also represent an intimate glimpse of a partner's own taste. A more impersonal way of claiming territory is the monogram. This can be used on sheets, towels, napkins, or hung in brass letters on the wall. When combining your lives, make sure that your surroundings reflect you, your partner, and your combined vision. Senor and I recently refreshed our nightstand decor. We wanted to use the "his and hers" theme to create matching nightstands that were stylistically similar, but thematically different. Our concept was masculine and feminine. Nightstands are a great place to have fun creating tablescapes that are functional and whimsical.
Thank you for the mention! Such a nice post. AND I know where Senor's glasses are. xoxo Stan