Our friend, Jean Spinosa, has created a wonderful tradition for all of her friends on New Years Day. Jean presides over her monthly club, Wigout, at Bordello with the flashy grace and humor that has made her a darling of the nightclub and cabaret world. On New Years Day, Jean throws a deluxe tea party for her bevy of creative pals that Alice from Wonderland would envy. This is how the Victorian Era would have felt without the large veil of oppression. The assortment of colorful and dapper characters gathered together made me feel as if I were in a special place or time. As we enter into our century's teens, Let's move forward with that same pioneering flapper spirit. Thank you Jean for showing us how to start off the new year in style by throwing a mad tea party!
The Mistress of Ceremonial Tea, Jean Spinosa.
The lovely savory table.
The luscious sweets table. Jean made most of the delectables herself! the Rod Serling atr behind her is by mutual friend, Jason Mesier.
I love the panels of vintage wrapping paper Jean used as a backdrop for her art.
Cabaret Chanteuse Anti Biotic looks thoroughly modern in her smart tea outfit.
These dapper gents are L to R: Senor Amor, Roddy Bottum, and Dan Weiss.
Oh what a lovely review!!!! thanks again!!! <3